On the 19th, we decided we’d had our fill of sitting around the steamy apartment. We decided to go for a walk and spent a few hours traipsing around
The park had a musical theme and giant musical toys for them to play with. There was also this neat harp fountain. Then we met up with Debra for pizza. Yum! She was given an undeserved censure from her employers, just like me, so I could feel her pain.
Friday was a housewarming party for Danno, Chris and Jarbo (Bill, I think.). Their apartment was, in certain ways, amazing. Its best feature, I think, is that it has a huge, open kitchen/living room space. Since people always end up in the kitchen during parties, it was great because the whole place is basically kitchen.
Saturday Team Rolling Thunder had its first taste of defeat, but it was followed quickly by victory in their second match of the day. Then, if I remember correctly, Tom and I went home to watch DVDs of the incomparable Veronica Mars. It’s an amazing TV show. My friend, Drew, always recommended it to me, but I didn’t have time to watch it while I was in grad school. Soon I’ll be in grad school again, so I’m taking advantage of this break. Netflix to the rescue! Maybe next week, I’ll actually get around to all the things I need to do before I leave.
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