Monday, March 02, 2009

Norfolk Snow

There's a "snow storm" in Norfolk. Heh.

School is on a two-hour delay for a dusting of snow--though I suppose that's better than the time they canceled school on the mere threat of snow.

I'm too swamped with homework and grading to write now, but here are some photos I snapped in my backyard before 7 a.m. this morning. I'll add words at a later date.

P.S. Who's going home to Iowa on Thursday? ME! I'll be home for less than a week, but it'll be great to see my family and, hopefully, some friends.

P.P.S. At 9:45, I checked to make sure school was still on. It was, so I showered, dressed, did my hair and makeup, went over my lesson plans and went to work. There was a strong, chilly headwind I had to fight the whole was there. When I got to my students! Sometime between 9:45 and 10:45 ODU canceled school for the day. Grr.

1 comment:

tv said...

The second two-hour delay actually came down when I was sitting on 64, stuck in traffic, after I saw like nine accidents. I turned around and crept home. The roads were pretty darn bad, but at least they did the right thing this time instead of canceling the whole day at 5 a.m.

But one of my secret fears is arriving at class and discovering that my students have stood me up...